them by hand
Dirty dishes need hot water (140
degrees, much hotter than you can stand to touch) to be sanitized. Most dishwashers are also more efficient, using less water
than you would to soak, scrub and rinse each dish by hand. So if you've got a
dishwasher, USE IT.
Pre-scrubbing too much
Rinsing away big, dried-on chunks is
one thing. Scrubbing the plate spotless before you put it in the rack is
another. Dishwashing detergent "needs somewhere to go — and if your dishes
are free of gunk, the enzymes in the soap will just whirl around the inside of
the dishwasher," explains Care2. "Over time, this
can damage your dishes."
3. Using the
wrong detergent
Did you know that liquid dish
washing detergent can clog up dishwasher parts and pipes? It's also likely to
leave a film on your dishes even after the cycle is complete. For best results, use powdered detergent but don't use too much.
4. Use
homemade detergents
Homemade detergents are all the
rage, and though they've got fewer chemicals and can save you money, they
should be used with caution. Depending on what’s in your recipe, leave a white
film on dishes, damage your dishwasher and/or dishes, and void your dishwasher's warranty.
5. Loading
up knives, graters, and peelers
Too many rounds in the dishwasher,
and these utensils will become dull and useless. Washing them by
hand after each use will help them keep their edge.
6. Overloading the racks
It can be tempting to show off your
Tetris skills, but filling every nook and cranny of the dishwasher is usually a
shortcut to rewashing. Try to work with the rack spacing, not against it, and you'll get
better results.
7. Not
facing bowls towards the waterjets
Bowls always go on the top rack. Those in the rear should face forward; those in front should face
the backward, so water can get in and do its job.
8. Running
the dishwasher half full
You may just want the dirty dishes
out of your face. But running a dishwasher half full just wastes water and puts your
dishes as risk of breakage because there's too much room for things to
fly around.
9. Putting
the wrong things on the bottom rack
If you drink out of it, it
should never end up on the bottom shelf of your dishwasher. Same thing goes
for any plastic storage containers. The only thing on the bottom shelf should
be pots, pans, large bowls, and sturdy plates.
10. Washing
things that aren’t “dishwasher safe”
"Wood splits and cracks when
exposed to dishwasher temperatures, humidity, and water. Delicate glassware can
break in a dishwasher, making for a big mess to clean up. Some metals like
cast-iron and copper are not meant to be washed in the dishwasher and can
become damaged as well as cause damage to other dishes," explains About.com. Basically, if it doesn't say "dishwasher
safe" it's not.
11. Leaving
knife points up
Doing this is a surefire way to stab
yourself when unloading the dishwasher later. Think safety first, and
always load your sharp knives point down.
12. Putting
glasses over the tines on the top rack
Just getting them on the top rack
isn't enough. "Glasses should go on the top rack between the tines, not
over them, so they don’t rattle or come out with tine marks," explains Real Simple.
13. Not
cleaning the dishwasher itself
Despite using soap and hot water all
the time, dishwashers can still get dirty. And a dirty dishwasher is going to
do a crappy job of cleaning your dishes. A simple solution of baking soda and vinegar will fix
things right up.
14. Forgetting
about the food trap
What's that? You have no idea what
I'm talking about? The food trap is located under the spray arm at the bottom of your
dishwasher, and it needs to be checked and cleaned at least once a week.
Separating your silverware
Sorting forks, knives, and spoons
into their own separate compartments might soothe your inner love of
organization, but it's
not the best way to get clean cutlery. Spoons and forks should be mixed
together, with some placed business-end up, some down, to keep them from
nesting. Butter knives should be blade side down (just like all your other
Happy dish-washing!
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